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基于第六次耦合模式比较计划(CMIP6),使用新一代全球模式BCC-CSM2-MR的历史试验和未来共享社会经济路径(SSPs)数据,依据Hadley中心的海表面温度和海冰密集度数据及NCEP/NCAR I再分析资料,评估了BCC-CSM2-MR模式对北极海冰及北极气候的模拟能力,并对未来变化进行了预估。结果表明:BCC-CSM2-MR模式可以较好再现北极海冰密集度、近地层大气平均温度和海表温度的多年平均空间分布特征。但模式对北极局地大气平均温度模拟存在一定偏差,可能在一定程度上导致相应地区海冰的模拟存在差异。21世纪,北极海冰范围持续减少,9月减少趋势显著,3月减少趋势相对较弱。3月北极大部地区表现为一致的增温,仅在北大西洋局部出现一定程度的降温,9月北极大气增温幅度弱于3月。与地表平均温度不同,3月和9月的北极大部地区海表温度均出现增加,且9月海表温度的增幅大于3月,仅拉布拉多海海温出现下降。  相似文献   
依据IPCC第六次评估报告(AR6)第一工作组报告第四章的内容,对未来全球气候的预估结果进行解读。报告对21世纪全球表面气温、降水、大尺度环流和变率模态、冰冻圈和海洋圈的可能变化进行了系统评估,并对2100年以后的气候变化做了合理估计。评估指出全球平均表面气温将在未来20年内达到或超过1.5℃,平均降水也将增加,但随季节和区域而异,同时变率将增大。大尺度环流和变率模态受内部变率影响较大。到21世纪末,北冰洋可能出现无冰期;全球海洋会继续酸化,平均海平面将持续上升,百年内上升幅度依赖不同排放情景,都在2100年后继续升高。在最新的评估中采用多种约束方法,减小了预估不确定性的范围。AR6对于低排放情景以及“小概率高增暖情节”的关注为应对气候变化提供了更多、更完整的信息。综合报告的评估结果指出,未来需要进一步减小区域,特别是季风区气候预估的不确定性,并从科学研究和模式发展两方面加强我国气候预估能力的建设。  相似文献   
通过智能物联网技术实时获取积水监测实况数据,利用天津市气象精细化格点预报产品和城市自动雨量观测站实况数据,以机器学习、神经网络模型和天津市城市内涝风险等级划分原理为基础,研究基于用户实时位置的城市内涝预报预警技术,研发天津市城市自动化积水监测预警系统。结果表明,该系统具备一定的城市内涝风险监测预警预报能力,并在2018—2020年多次重大天气过程中应用,积水深度预报结果与监测结果基本一致,应用数据表明验证结果良好,系统可以为政府防灾减灾决策、指挥调度提供精准、及时的气象数据支撑。  相似文献   
基于欧洲中期天气预报中心全球高分辨率预报模式ECMWF、中国自主研发的新一代业务化区域数值模式GRAPES_Meso和WRF中国全国区域预报模式的降水预报结果进行未来3 d降水集成预报。以中国地面-卫星-雷达三源融合逐时降水格点产品(CMPA-Hourly,V2.0)作为"观测值"进行建模,采用消除偏差多模式平均法和基于无偏平均绝对误差集成法对中国大陆地区进行降水集成预报,同时采用2800个国家自动气象站降水观测数据对降水集成预报效果进行检验。结果表明:基于无偏平均绝对误差的降水集成方法能够综合每个模式成员降水预报场的优势,提供一种更为稳定可靠且具有更高分辨率的优质精细化降水预报产品;其在试验期间对中国大陆地区汛期的降水预报ETS评分,优于消除偏差多模式平均降水集成预报和最优单模式降水预报,BIAS评分更接近于1,与"实况"的距平相关系数也明显提高,是对降水大值捕捉能力较优的一种集成方法,尤其对中雨到暴雨量级预报的改进较好。  相似文献   
选取2018年夏季邵阳地区的17个雷暴单体和9个非雷暴单体,分析了单体30 dBz、35 dBz和40 dBz回波顶高及0℃、-10℃和-20℃层超过30 dBz、35 dBz和40 dBz的回波面积与闪电发生的关系,利用40 dBz回波顶高、-10℃层以上超过40 dBz的回波面积及其与单体总面积的百分比对该地区闪电进行预报。结果表明:雷暴单体和非雷暴单体在回波强度为40 dBz时,超过0℃、-10℃和-20℃三种层结高度所占百分比的差值最大。-10℃层的40 dBz回波顶高较其他层结高度能更好地区分邵阳地区的雷暴单体与非雷暴单体。-10℃层以上超过40 dBz的面积所占单体总面积百分比大于1%这一阈值时,可作为区分雷暴单体和非雷暴单体的一个有效预警指标。综合使用40 dBz回波顶高、-10℃层以上超过40 dBz的回波面积及其与单体总面积的百分比对12个单体样本进行检验,雷暴单体预报的准确率达66.7%,非雷暴单体判断的准确率为83.3%。  相似文献   
大气冰核观测是研究自然冷云降水和人工影响天气的一项基础性工作,滤膜—扩散云室法是观测冰核浓度的主要方法之一。为检测分析两种滤膜采集方法对冰核观测结果的影响,2011—2015年用自制的大气颗粒物采样器和FA-3型撞击式9级采样器开展了平行采样试验,采集的滤膜样本均在同一静力扩散云室中进行冰核活化显现分析。结果表明:自制采样器较9级采样器观测的冰核浓度高数倍甚至数十倍,但两者随季节和不同气象条件的变化表现出一致的起伏特征。自制采样器适用于对大气中总的冰核浓度分布及理化特征研究;9级采样器适用于对PM10中不同粒径段大气冰核浓度和尺度分布以及理化特征的研究。滤膜法对冰核数量的低估与采样体积成正比,改变采样器气泵的抽气流量和控制采样体积对改进“体积效应”影响均有明显效果。  相似文献   
综合利用多普勒雷达、地面自动气象站以及风廓线等观测资料和ERA5再分析资料,对2019年7月3日发生于辽宁开原的超级单体风暴伴随EF4级强龙卷环境条件、多普勒雷达回波特征和形成机理进行详细分析。结果表明:本次过程发生于低层暖湿高层冷干强的热力不稳定环境条件下,在地面干线汇合流场形成地面辐合线附近触发湿对流并发展为伴有龙卷的超级单体风暴。龙卷发生于低层钩状回波附近,多普勒雷达上呈现经典超级单体风暴雷达回波特征,低层强的垂直风切变将水平涡度转化为对流风暴中垂直涡度,强上升运动使得顺流涡度倾斜拉伸,从而龙卷发生前17 min在多普勒雷达2.4°仰角首先出现中气旋结构,随后风暴向南移动过程中,风暴的后侧下沉气流(RFD)将中低层的涡度“压低”致使龙卷接地,因此龙卷发生后1 min在0.5°仰角也出现强中气旋并有类龙卷涡旋特征(TVS),中气旋最强时的旋转速度达到28 m·s^(-1)(强中气旋标准),因此本次龙卷符合“自上而下”I型龙卷特征。由于环境干燥空气夹卷造成水滴强烈蒸发和冷却,使得地面出现了1 h降温达10℃的强冷池,过强的冷池可能在促使龙卷消亡过程中起到关键作用,致使龙卷持续了约30 min后消亡。  相似文献   
Precipitation over the Tibetan Plateau (TP) is important to local and downstream ecosystems. Based on a weighting method considering model skill and independence, changes in the TP precipitation for near-term (2021–40), mid-term (2041–60) and long-term (2081–2100) under shared socio-economic pathways (SSP1-1.9, SSP1-2.6, SSP2-4.5, SSSP3-7.0, SSP5-8.5) are projected with 27 models from the latest Sixth Phase of the Couple Model Intercomparison Project. The annual mean precipitation is projected to increase by 7.4%–21.6% under five SSPs with a stronger change in the northern TP by the end of the 21st century relative to the present climatology. Changes in the TP precipitation at seasonal scales show a similar moistening trend to that of annual mean precipitation, except for the drying trend in winter precipitation along the southern edges of the TP. Weighting generally suggests a slightly stronger increase in TP precipitation with reduced model uncertainty compared to equally-weighted projections. The effect of weighting exhibits spatial and seasonal differences. Seasonally, weighting leads to a prevailing enhancement of increase in spring precipitation over the TP. Spatially, the influence of weighting is more remarkable over the northwestern TP regarding the annual, summer and autumn precipitation. Differences between weighted and original MMEs can give us more confidence in a stronger increase in precipitation over the TP, especially for the season of spring and the region of the northwestern TP, which requires additional attention in decision making.  相似文献   
Cloud Masking is one of the most essential products for satellite remote sensing and downstream applications. This study develops machine learning-based (ML-based) cloud detection algorithms using spectral observations for the Advanced Himawari Imager (AHI) onboard the Himawari-8 geostationary satellite. Collocated active observations from Cloud-Aerosol Lidar with Orthogonal Polarization (CALIOP) are used to provide reference labels for model development and validation. We introduce both daytime and nighttime algorithms that differ according to whether solar band observations are included, and the artificial neural network (ANN) and random forest (RF) techniques are adopted for comparison. To eliminate the influences of surface conditions on cloud detection, we introduce three models with different treatments of the surface. Instead of developing independent ML-based algorithms, we add surface variables in a binary way that enhances the ML-based algorithm accuracy by ~5%. Validated against CALIOP observations, we find that our daytime RF-based algorithm outperforms the AHI operational algorithm by improving the accuracy of cloudy pixel detection by ~5%, while at the same time, reducing misjudgment by ~3%. The nighttime model with only infrared observations is also slightly better than the AHI operational product but may tend to overestimate cloudy pixels. Overall, our ML-based algorithms can serve as a reliable method to provide cloud mask results for both daytime and nighttime AHI observations. We furthermore suggest treating the surface with a set of independent variables for future ML-based algorithm development.  相似文献   
Microwave Land Surface Emissivity (MLSE) over China under both clear and cloudy sky conditions was retrieved using measurements of recalibrated microwave brightness temperatures (Tbs) from Fengyun-3B Microwave Radiation Imager (FY-3B MWRI), combined with cloud properties derived from Himawari-8 Advanced Himawari Imager (AHI) observations. The contributions from cloud particles and atmospheric gases to the upwelling Tbs at the top of atmosphere were calculated and removed in radiative transfer. The MLSEs at horizontal polarizations at 10.65, 18.7, and 36.5 GHz during 7 July 2015 to 30 June 2019 over China showed high values in the southeast vegetated area and low values in the northwest barren, or sparsely vegetated, area. The maximum values were found in the belt area of the Qinling-Taihang Mountains and the eastern edge of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, which is highly consistent with MLSEs derived from AMSR-E. It demonstrates that the measurements of FY-3B MWRI Tbs, including its calibration and validation, are reliable, and the retrieval algorithm developed in this study works well. Seasonal variations of MLSE in China are mainly driven by the combined effects of vegetation, rainfall, and snow cover. In tropical and southern forest regions, the seasonal variation of MLSE is small due to the enhancement from vegetation and the suppression from rainfall. In the boreal area, snow causes a significant decrease of MLSE at 36.5 GHz in winter. Meanwhile, the MLSE at lower frequencies experiences less suppression. In the desert region in Xinjiang, increases of MLSEs at all frequencies are observed with increasing snow cover.  相似文献   
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